Group elevator pitch coaching program


Small group elevator pitch coaching that delivers clarity about what you offer, who you serve, and the words to say about it.
I’ll take you step-by-step through everything you need to know to create a short, sweet, clear marketing message in an elevator pitch (the foundation for your whole business). 
You’ll get
  • a defined target audience
  • a focused, specific niche (you WANT this!)
  • clarity about the problem you solve & the results you deliver
  • words to talk about what you do in your natural, sincere voice
  • a simple, clear elevator pitch (brand statement) that attracts perfect clients

Find out more >

12 1:1 SESSIONS *

Six months of brand & business coaching
We’ll do everything in Pitch Power ®, then we’ll get your message out into the world with
  • new/revised About page for your website **
  • new/revised social media profiles
  • a lead magnet (freebie) to offer that grows your email list
  • a signature talk/webinar/master class that delivers clients
NOTE: What we work on depends on your needs and the time available. We’ll clarify your goals on our first call.

25 1:1 SESSIONS *

One year of brand & business coaching
Includes EVERYTHING: A defined niche, a clear message, AND a business that delivers clients and revenue, including ***
  • website content (as needed)
  • focused messaging on social media that connects with your target audience
  • clearly defined programs, services, & prices so that you can earn consistent income
  • sales call coaching
  • business infrastructure (tools, processes, workflows, onboarding, etc.) so it’s easy for you to run your business


* All coaching sessions are 90 minutes
** Web content may vary, depending on your needs
*** Items may vary depending on your needs

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