Branding coach, elevator pitch coaching, business coachhing for entrepreneurs and small businesses

Maggy Sterner Brand & Business Coach loves Bruce Springsteen

Hi, I’m Maggy Sterner.

I’m a branding coach, elevator pitch coach, and business coach.

I help entrepreneurs and small businesses get clarity about what they do, find words that describe it simply and clearly, and build a business on a solid foundation: a clear brand message.

Effective, confident marketing starts with knowing what you offer, who you serve, and how to talk about it everywhere – online and out loud.

My real job is to help you see clearly what you already know: what you do, the niche you serve, and the results you deliver.

I believe great marketing is always just the truth.


Jessica Hansen, voice of NPR's sponsorships and voice coach“Maggy will help you focus on what to say that delivers the work that you want to do, working with the people that you want to work with – and she’ll teach you how be paid properly for it. “

Voice of NPR’s sponsorships & voice coach

“Maggy is also such a delight to work with. She brings high energy and straight shooting to help you push past all the things rumbling around in your head to get to the branding revelation you’ve been dying for! She’s the real deal! Hire her now!”


“If you ever want your whole life held bare naked in front of you and spanked into action, call my mother.”

Animation Director, BGSTR


Your brand is who you are and who you’re not

Your brand is who you are and who you’re not

In 1962, cookbook author Julia Child was nobody’s first choice to be a TV host. She showed up anyway and owned her quirky looks and style as she taught an American audience how to cook French food. People fell in love with her.

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