by Maggy Sterner | Jun 12, 2023
I’ve been driving south on the Oregon coast this week (because taking a break from work-work is good for your creativity). We stopped in the town of Tillamook on the way, at Tillamook Creamery (what I call “The Temple of Dairy”). It’s where all...
by Maggy Sterner | Sep 23, 2021
Being visible for our business can be challenging for a lot of people, especially those who identify as introverts. I’ve heard them say: “I hate promoting myself” and “I hate marketing.” Here’s the thing: We all have to do some...
by Maggy Sterner | Aug 26, 2021
Everything you need to know about #entrepreneurship – sales, marketing, what separates you from the competition – from a successful 13-year old lemonade stand owner (“Entrepreneurship is hard work.”) At the risk of plagiarising, here are the...
by Maggy Sterner | Jul 9, 2021
Have you ever said, “I need HOURS to tell people what I do because I do so many complicated things?” Actually, you don’t. Brevity is the soul of clarity (Did someone already say that? If not, I’m claiming it!) and I discovered this recently...
by Maggy Sterner | Apr 11, 2021
One of the biggest things my clients struggle with – even after they’ve discovered the essence of their brand message: Writing about themselves on their website’s About page. I’ve had clients get paralyzed with fear. They’re afraid of...